Thursday, 13 February 2014


One of my all time guilty pleasures is just lying in bed, snuggling up with harley, striper and hari allsofttoys and watching tons of romantic comedies & chick flicks.

So one day i come across the most adorable trailer for Celeste & Jesse Forever, and it stars the ever hilarious and strangely adorable Andy Samberg, who i loved in brookly nine nine! And so BAM movie chosen and i'm all set to get all gooey eyed and fluttery hearted (pretty sure this isn't a proper phrase but ugh you know what i mean) and then this movie comes along to give me a few laughs.. then progresses to rip my heart out, flood my eyes but at the same time leaving me in a sort of warm and fuzzy state of mind.
It's a loved story alright. Despite the fact that it wasn't the typical i love you, you love me, let's be in love on tv kinda movie, it still gets ya right in the heart. The movie makes you want to root for the main couple but then eventually skews in the opposite direction, which i can't say i didn't saw coming but is still albeit absolutely heartbreaking. It's painfully realistic, which i think is thanks to the fact that the movie was written by Rashida Jones herself and her ex-beau.

I don't know if it's just me but I was in love with their love. The movie started off with beautiful montages of their relationship, best friends in love and all the mushyness that comes with it. Ugh, it's just so... perfect?! Someone you can be goofy with for the rest of your life is a gift from the heavens, they were soulmates to say the least.

And that awkward little heart hand sign just gets me every time. 

So then we're told that celeste & jesse, aka most-perfect-couple-in-the-freakin-universe are about to get divorced. And even so, being best friends they still hang out everyday and goof around like nothing ever happened. Strange. But then the slight cracks in the otherwise fairytale-like relationship start to surface.

Celeste and Jesse, played by the gorgeous Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg, are at opposite ends of the success/responsibility scale. Celeste is the professional overachieving trend analyzer while Jesse is the lazy unemployed manchild artist, and i guess that rift makes Celeste question the relationship which led to the breakup. Does love really overpower everything? Can a relationship work just on love alone or does the practicality have to be considered as well. Is it really worth leaving your soulmate to live a more comfortable life? I guess that's why some people marry for money, which is a concept i doubt i'll ever understand.

And just when Celeste is ready to give their relationship a second chance, Jesse meets someone, and ends up getting her preggers (spoiler alert). Oh life, how you let people down time and time again. In the process, Jesse finally grows up while Celeste becomes a wreck.

" 'cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even. "

 Timing is everything and it surely waits for no one. Seriously never take people for granted and hold on to the ones worth fighting for, before it's too late and all we have is a whole lifetime left to regret.

The world goes on with or without you so as difficult as it is, everyone has to move on eventually.  

It's just one of those movies i'll watch 50 million times over and never get bored. It made me think about love, about life, about everything. Life's too short to overthink everything, so just do what makes you happy, because YOLO, you might as well live it with a smile on your face.

Also, props to the rest of the cast. Loved the non cookie cutter roles by Emma Roberts, Elijah Wood and the others. It's the little quirks that made this movie so bloody beautiful.

So I'm scared. Scared of growing up and scared of having to go through multiple heartbreaks or have life come and screw up my fairytale. But it's all part and parcel of life i guess, gotta accept it and live with it.

See my dilemma? 

Celeste & Jesse Forever inmyheart.

Thank you tumblr. For loving this movie as much as I did and for the amazing images <3


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